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Old August 12th, 2008, 08:25 PM
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Heart Re: New Board - Props and Slops

Originally Posted by Combat Wombat View Post
I have had Space Empires 4 games that have literally lasted years with much schemeing and plotting and that didn't require the abuse of shrpanel forums PM system. I think you guys are smart enough to work something out.
This is silly, I don't think anyone here was championing the "abuse" of anything. The people who this change hurts, were by and large "using" the system to great effect - and there were definitely more people who used the system as intended, than the few who just let every message pile up ad infinitum.

Annette - Richard's tone was very authoritarian. You can try to separate intent from action, but whether censorship was intended to be conveyed - that is how it was received. In all of my time online, regardless of intent, this is what requests to handle a public issue "in private" actually result in. Rarely does the public see productive results occur. More often, the issue is swept under the rug, and then either forgotten by people who are in fact now oppressed (take that term with a grain of salt, but it is what it is), or months later someone says "hey, whatever came of all of that?", to which I've then seen Admins clamp down and squash that, stating that it had been requested to be handled privately - so leave it alone.

You can disagree about what constitutes censorship, and what constitutes oppression - and try to remove that stigma from your own actions, but it's all just semantics at that point.

I'm not trying to cause problems - and I sincerely apologize if my posts in this thread have caused additional problems simply for being in this thread, rather than in another thread. For what it's worth, a couple of hours ago I looked for that other thread, and I must be blind or something, but it didn't jump out at me to tell me it even existed, so I continued posting my replies in this one.

This whole thing is getting kind of emotional, so if I suggest that in this case that locking this thread and placing a link to the other thread may have been appropriate - I'll probably get nailed for telling people how to do their job. I guess I am just as easy to hate as I am easy to love - but I knew that already.
