Originally Posted by Maltrease
I'm curious if it would even be worth taking a heat scale to make better use of these guys.
You should definitely take at least a moderate Heat scale as EA Agartha. All your units are cold-blooded, which means they take encumberance penalties in cold (and even neutral-temperature) provinces. I personally recommend Heat 2, though if you want extra points, 3 is manageable (you take "extreme heat" encumbrance penalties, but so does everyone else).
Generally speaking: go with a good bless; you want moderate F/E/N, but F/N can stay 4-6 since you don't need berserk or flame weapons (your Seal Guards have magic weapons already). Earth bless is partly for your mages, but E9 makes Ancient Ones quite tough. With even a small squad of those and a H3 mage to bless them, you can expand quite rapidly.
Later, have fun with Destruction and Blade Wind and Magma Eruption.