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Old August 14th, 2008, 12:07 AM

Rathar Rathar is offline
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Default Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]

Months ago our great nation became aware of the terrible plight of many of our citizens who found themselves in the nation of Man seeking economic self advancement. These simple traders had their property unjustly taxed and their basic civil rights as pixels removed. Intense high-level governmental negotiations to restore those freedoms were initiated and we are sorry to say that they have failed.

Our constitutional monarchial republic therefore has no choice but to bring these rights directly to our people living in subjugation in Man.

I, Bedheadev, have thus ordered our conveniently located tank, err cavalry divisions, to initiate the process of rights restoration via the capitol of Man. I shall remain in my dacha by the lake but the prime minister Vladimir Putout is even now at the front encouraging our noble restorers.

We caution the world not to interfere with the process of gaining a monopoly on energy rights in the regio, uh with our brave soldiers fighting for the freedoms of pixels everywhere.

This message has my approval.
Princess Adelle

Sorry about the double post guys.. even though it says you can edit for 30 mins I just took 15 and it wouldn't let me.. Bunch of crap that is..
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