Hi all!
I thought it was time to start a thread about the web interface I made for the Dom3DB. A lot of people know about it, some may even use it, but it's a good idea to start a thread so new people can find it easier and so on.
So, I've made a little web interface for the Dom3DB which in turn was assembled by DrPraetorious. Kudos for that work!
It is available online here:
So just fill in the magic paths available and you will get a nice list of the spells you can cast.
A major caveat is that it is not usable in Internet Explorer or its ilk. You can either blame IE for not supporting XSLT properly, or me for not choosing a more well established technical solution. It does work with Opera 9.5+ or Firefox 2+, and should work on Safari with a bit of luck (can anybody confirm?). It looks nicest with a browser that supports the nth-of-type() CSS selector and SVG, which I know Opera 9.5 does and I suspect FF does or soon will.
I actually just added a new feature, the ability to filter the results in some (by me) predermined ways. Specifically you can search for summons, buffs and/or others. I welcome suggestions for additional categories!
I had another purpose in mind with this post too. I want to get some input on how I could add the ability to discuss or add information/comments on the spells. My first idea was to add a new column to the results list with a link to wiki page corresponding to that spell. I know there is a dom3 strategy wiki out there, which seems to fit the job description. Anybody in here know much/maintain that? For this to work we will require a lot of active participation or most of the links will point to empty pages, and nobody will bother using it. Any feedback on whether this is a good approach, or does somebody have a better idea? I'd rather not go and implement a commenting system myself (been there

Alright, have fun everybody! Let me know if you want me to add more features - you may inspire me
Known issues: I have not updated to the 3.17 version of the DB, so a few spells are missing, notably the nationals for Hinnom et al.