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Old August 14th, 2008, 11:04 AM

Trumanator Trumanator is offline
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Default No MA C'tis guides :(

I'm playing a small hotseat game with me, my bro, and 2 comps. Me and my brother picked each other's nations, and he gave me C'tis. I gotta say, I really am unimpressed. At first I thought that I would leverage the poison resistance and spam slingers with some blockers, but that seemed to kill off nearly as many of my guys as theirs. I have switched to massing Swamp Guards, but I don't like them either, they can't hit anything and seem to run away way to easily for "elite" troops. I just started trying to use shamans spamming Body Ethereal, but the shamans die really fast to arrows. One thing that I hope will really help is that I just researched shadow blast and Nether Darts, which most of my marshmasters can cast. Any thoughts on improvements?
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