Heh, seems like almost everyone is complaining about back luck this game.
I've lost two (!) of my artifacts because Nethgul decided the most advantageous thing he could cast was to blink his carrier literally right next to heavy cavalry so even the orb of atlantis couldn't save him. Crazy bad combat rolls have squashed my clever expansion attempts into the water and my own luck 3 scales didn't prevent the kraken king from cutting off my retreat route at a most unfortunate time..
QM & Micah claim very unlikely and unhelpful random path distributions which stymied their evil plots so far.
Ironhawk is having some gardening issues.
Calmon takes a lance to his pretender's face on turn 2.
Amhizair thinks the dice are out to get him.
No doubt about it, those artifacts are cursed. The curse seems to target the more experience players....who's next?