Originally Posted by krpeters
That reminds me, what is the proper order of casting to get communion master/slave working? Do the slaves have to cast slave after the master, or before? Or can everyone cast both?
Hmmm... that gives me some interesting ideas for Marginon, it never occurred to me that their astral path would be great for communion.
Anyone can join the communion as either a master OR slave, at any point in the battle. This includes Crystal/Slave matrices to be part of the communion at the beginning, and even allows the AI to join the communion after your script runs out. Most often, of course, the spells are cast in the first round of combat, which then gives your masters 4 scripted spells apiece before the AI starts doing strange things with all that power.
There's a lot of nations that get random Astral picks on their top mages..... It's most useful if you get a cheaper guy who either more reliably gets Astral (100% guarantee is nice) or who is a very cost effective researcher. Otherwise, you are using main mages for masters and slaves, and it's not as cost effective, or as easy to make up a large communion. However, even a 4 slave communion boosts you 2 levels in all paths, and starts to make some spells massively increase in power - not to mention that over the course of a longer battle, the lower fatigue costs can lead to more castings, rather than all mages casting 3x and passing out.