Re: No MA C'tis guides :(
the elite slave guys are definately a better choice for melee the lack of a sheild a a little bit of a problem but shouldn't cause too much trouble.
Also i find C'tis could benefit from a defencive strategy, a combinastion of cheap and easily massed troops (if somewhat inferior to that of other nations) miasmas natural defence and skelly spamming make it a dificult defence to break through. Any dedicated force can be halted easily and weakened significantly with miasmas disease allowing a counter attack. For the offencive push C'tis has a number of pretty strong national summons such as the sacred sirrush(conj 5), it has 3 attacks and i find it is a good candidate for a nature bless.
i'm going to test some other strategies, don't ask what strategies because i'm not sure yet lol, it will come too me when i start playing hopefully.