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Old August 17th, 2008, 08:07 PM
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Default Re: Alexander - PBEM Game - Running

I think that deadline is not needed already
As a permanent side watcher and sometimes adviser, I'd like to congratulate Karnoza on his first (and very big) victory here. It was a good game indeed and the opposition was really strong. He was doing a terrific micromanagement job during the last turns and, I know, it's very, very hard and time consuming to reign such a huge empire. I was beginning his game for Mictlan and I'm really glad that Karnoza managed to to lead these bloodthirsty nation to victory.

Also, I was very much impressed by the empire of T'ien-Chi. Drake ruled them very well and if this game had another victory condition, who knows, how it would end.

Last edited by ano; August 17th, 2008 at 08:17 PM..
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