The deep dwellers have many neighbours, and we are happy to be getting along with them all as they go about their everyday business. With of course the obvious exception
It is strange that we heard no cries from Lanka when they were persecuting and destroying the peaceful and friendly people from Helhiem. Maybe they only object to aggressors when it is they who are the chosen target of aggression? And I apologise for the fish-like characteristics of my fish-like warriors. But when have you ever seen a fish simply stay still waiting to be caught! It is just not in their nature
Many Atlantians are currently enjoying the wonderful messages of Blurblugblubb the Merciful, and they opine that the Sauromatian Lord is wise and mighty indeed. Although they regret that they have no daughters to offer as gifts of appreciation at this time. They are very sorry about this unacceptable position, and humbly seek forgiveness for not possessing the requested offerings

Efforts will be doubled to meet future requests.
Calahan of Atlantis
ps. This is the first game I've ever had dominion problems in, and amazed how quickly it can go down! Thought (for some reason) that change was limited to +/- 1 candle per turn, but last turn just proved to me that that theory is a complete load of &*%$£!
pss. Some of my provinces have some well weird scale mixes from the various other nations. In fact I think I know every other nations scales apart from my own! Also thought that province scales would only change in the direction of the dominion in that province. But that theory is also faulty as it appears scales can change as dominion goes down in the direction of the dominion that is forcing the down-shift. Think I need to do a lot of forum/manual reading on dominion, since the things I thought I knew about it are way off the mark.