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Old August 22nd, 2008, 10:50 AM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: Standards - MA Game (running)

[Regarding the score graphs though, personally I've determined that the game is vaguely a nightmare without them. You can learn a lot with scouts, but there's much more that they can't tell you about progress, and about the relative balance of power.

2 examples of recent games without graphs - first one, the end of the game was like a big fart in the face. Seriously. It came down to 3 of us, 2 who knew we were smaller, and 1 who was over 2/3 of the map at that time. We didn't realize how enormous he was, and when he dropped ALL the elemental royalty on us at once, it was just ridiculous. Second example, is a game that I think I'm winning. I "think" so. But then, I just killed someone's god, and I think HE thought that he was winning as well, considering how cavalier and aggressive he was, but it seems his research is significantly lower than mine. How much lower? I don't know, "a significant amount".

The research graph measures accumulated research points (alafaik)
those points rollover to spell levels on a predictable arithmetic series.

I have a rough rule of thumb that converts bars = into research levels. Sure, it if he has dual researched vs single tree research blah blah. But its more accurate to do it from the scores (or is it stats).html file.
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