Originally Posted by DonCorazon
But you can wish a unique SC from another player. I think that is what Ironhawk did to Cleveland's Lord of Banefires in one MP game I was in. Still waiting for confirmation from the secretive Ironhawk though... 
Yeah that was me. I dont have any qualms with releasing that info now that the game was over. You can wish for any unique SC in play and it will be transported to the casters location. This is HUGELY powerful weapon when you reach the endgame where a player might spend 40gems on gear and 30gems on an SC chasis (or more!). Not only do you deny them that huge investment, but if you are ready, you can charm/enslave the SC yourself making back the majority of the cost of the Wish.
Big Caveat:
There is a bug where the transportation that the Wish does is effected by domes. So if your Wish caster is covered by a dome, which is pretty much assured in the late game, then the SC will "bounce" away to another province. Really irritating.