newest release.
nothing special here unless you are interested in the code.
i've cleaned up monster code BIG time, and now it is working properly. before, they were doing way too much damage due to some modifiers to damage that were hiding somewhere, left-over from the way tome/angband or whatever used to calculate damage.
tome is a study in obsfucation and superfluity. I've removed tons of useless crap that served no purpose but to make the code difficult to read (for example, assigning a value to a variable, then assigning that variable to anther variable, and that to another variable, when the original value could have simply been called by its own name all along. or calculating damage inside of a function outside of the original function and then not commenting that this is where damage is calculated. this is why the monsters were doing so much damage)
so if you were dying too easily, that's why
notice that this attachment is actually smaller than the last, this is where I removed all that useless crap from the monster combat code.