Originally Posted by HoneyBadger
I don't think Jim meant any harm, either. I also don't think he *did* any harm. Yes, the words he used were very evocative-that's to his credit as a writer-and yes, what he evoked was dark and terrible and hard to imagine-or perhaps the problem is that it was too easily imagined? But you'll notice that he didn't use any of the censored words the forum blots out, and-no matter how good a writer he may be-he didn't force us to think evil thoughts-he just opened the door to them.
Censorship doesn't solve any problems, it just hides problems in dark corners, where they can grow bigger and worse, unnoticed.
Edi took the appropriate action by moving the content in question to our private forum for administrative review. Our forum administrators, myself included, have chosen to leave the content permanently removed from public view. When taken out of context, the sentiment expressed is obscene and suggestive of illegal activity. I'm pretty sure Jim understands and accepts our moderation. Please refer to our Forum Rules "1) Moral Conduct" and "14)Do Not Argue With The Above Forum Rules" if you have any questions about our moderation policies and how proceed if you disagree.
This particular subject is closed for public discussion.