I understand we're all guests here, so the host makes the rules, that's ok, but I think, damn, we're all adults and vaccinated, we all know some things exist, I don't think if Jim has some artistic words about some controversial aspect of the game he will create a psycopathic monster out of a normal reader of the forum, or he is defending some crime. Damn, Kubrik was to be shot dead for what he expressed through his work or not? ^_^
OK, jokes aside, I know u guys have the upper hand here, I just wanted to "break a spear" in favour of one of our artists here.
BTW, have u seen the
http://www.everypoet.com/haiku/default.htm website? it automatically creates some haikus which really seem coming from dom3 sometimes ^_^ an example
catapults frown, first
mottled sharp earth awaits, ghoul
runs brightly, faceless
sorcerers extrude
agonies reconsider
silently, snidely
PeAcE ^_^