Originally Posted by Psycho
I am familiar with this thread. I was just uncertain what the exact effect of growth is. So everything that is known is that disease is a less likely affliction and this knowledge is based on a few experiments? I was hoping for a better answer.
Fire makes it worse, nature and death make it better.
The experiments were extremely clear. 100 mages for 50 turns, I think. I'm not sure what you expected to get besides that.
Unless you're asking for someone to go and look in the code (IE the developers), which no one has access to except for maybe Edi on rare occasion involving fixing typos, you're not going to get a better answer then what's been given.
If you /really/ wanted to, I'm sure you could take the experiment results and try to correlate a relationship between the change in the size of the G/D scale between the change in the speed at which mages received the diseased affliction. THAT would give you a more accurate idea, but it's also something that you can do on your own with the data available.