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Old August 25th, 2008, 05:36 AM

Psycho Psycho is offline
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Default Re: Old age and growth

I expected that KO already answered this in some old thread burried somewhere deep in the forums and that someone remembered it and posted it here.

Not all those test are good. The first ones assume that BoT ages
everyone by one each month. But that is not how it works. I did some tests a while ago testing its effectiveness. It works by aging everyone 1d6 (probably not open ended) years per month. And if I remember correctly this random number is calculated per unit, so one philosopher may age 1 year and another 6 years in the same turn.

I wasn't looking for exact numbers, just the effect. It's enough for me to know that the chance of disease is reduced. I just wanted to be certain that is the only effect. Thanks everybody who answered.
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