Re: Revenge of Pimping - Teams Assigned - Check in if you are playing!
People in red+bold have not checked in:
Mictlan/Abysia - DrPraetorious+, Folket
Pythium/Marignon - James243+, nozshand
Atlantis/Bogarus - Nikelaos+, revolution+
Man/R'yeh - ossa, AreaofEffect+
Ermor/Agartha - Unoptimized+, StrictlyRockers+
Caelum/Utgard - Aezeal+, EvilHomer
T'ien Ch'i/Jomon - Psisoldier+, Ershalim+
Ulm/Pangaea - Micah+, Lingchih+
Folket did not answer the last PM I sent him. I'll try again - if not, I can cansolidate teams and/or field alternates. It looks like Zeldor, at least, is guaranteed a slot, and Frank Trollman may want one.
If you read his speech at Rice, all his arguments for going to the moon work equally well as arguments for blowing up the moon, sending cloned dinosaurs into space, or constructing a towering *****-shaped obelisk on Mars. --Randall Munroe