Originally Posted by DakaSha
no its lame that that the game is just continued because the admin refuses to roll back a single turn (the most crucial turn by far) without even having a vote.
the players bordering marignon are going to have at least 1/4 more expansion room + 1 of them will get a capital fairly early,. (this is a vp game if you havnt noticed.. also the gem and sacred bonus would come into affect)
no point anymore... for all i know IM bordering marignon but thats just messed up.
I didn't roll back the first turn because I didn't have the password until it was too late. If you want to annoy someone about it, PM QM.
I don't know how many games you've played in Daka, but if I restarted every time we lost someone to AI, then we'd never, ever, finish a game of Dom3. People going AI is just part of the game. At least if they do it early, those provinces surrounding them are still defending by neutrals.
By all accounts, a nation going AI in the late game (which happens all the time without a restart) is far worse, they tend to own far more land, and that land is filled with delicious site-searched goodies.
But, since everyone seems to be blowing a single person being AI way out of proportion, we'll restart. I'm sure they'll be plenty of grumbling about that, too.