Originally Posted by Baalz
My point is that nerfing a type of magic that is already weak at low levels is not the answer. It's not going to solve the problem of people killing your SCs and it weakens all existing Astral nations.
Considering that with a high MR it still takes an act of God to even work.... well, that just confuses me. I mean, why nerf something that only has a 1-2% chance of working anyway? Is the pro-SC lobby that insecure? Don't they want their opponents to have any chance?
You are pushing so many buttons there again, I'm having trouble remaining civil in answering this. *deep breath*
Stick to the topic. Don't try to be psychic and claim to know what others think and why they are doing things.
I don't belong to your imaginary pro-SC lobby. You are also using nasty rethorical devices and exaggerating things terribly. It's not 1-2% chanse of working. 4 - 5 astral mages, and it's been a practically a sure thing even against very high magic resistance.
Maybe this will help clarify things for you. It was mostly my astral mages, stopping things I don't feel I should have been able to stop so easily. And even that is not the core point. The core point is the
overlong duration.
If you honestly are trying to say that scaling down the duration of paralysis will do horrible damage to the viability of astral heavy nations... then I probably just found your pet spell in the whole game and you are willing to say anything to invalidate any criticism of it. Shees...