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Old August 27th, 2008, 12:27 AM
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Default Re: Paralysis is overpowered.

Originally Posted by konming View Post
Insanity for LA R'lyeh do not really do anything harmful. They may stare at the sky for a while, but will not PILLAGE, nor destroy temple. They can even become 2nd, 3rd... prophets. Besides, LA R'lyeh's star spawn mages are seldom insane, and you generally care less if a free spawn leader is insane or not. It is that invading army who have to consider more about the effect of insanity, since they have a different sets of insane actions.
Who really cares about pillaging in the end game? You stick your tartarians in a single low pop province and they can pillage all they want. The temple destruction is irrelevant 99% of the time, because you shouldn't be storing them in a province with a temple, and when you're on offense with them you won't have any temples around anyways.

Now if they blew up /labs/ that would be something to write home about, but all in all, I think the two different commands that they issue "pillaging, and temple destruction" just equate to "doing nothing this turn" rather than anything terribly harmful.

So again, I say that SS is no worse than insanity.

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