Re: Revenge of Pimping - Teams Assigned - Check in if you are playing!
Unoptimized - I was going to give the vacated slot on the Man/R'lyeh team to Zeldor. Talk with him if you want to trade with him.
Just to clarify, the assigments are *chosen within each team by the players*. So Nikelaos and revolution have Atlantis/Bogarus - Nikelaos can have Bogarus or revolution can have Bogarus it's up to them to work it out.
So if you have preferences, say here which nations you actually want!
Preliminarily, the revised teams would be:
Mictlan/Abysia - DrPraetorious+, James243+
(unused) Pythium/Marignon
Atlantis/Bogarus - Nikelaos+, revolution+
Man/R'yeh - Zeldor(alternate), AreaofEffect+
Ermor/Agartha - Unoptimized+, StrictlyRockers+
Caelum/Utgard - Aezeal+, EvilHomer
T'ien Ch'i/Jomon - Psisoldier+, Ershalim+
Ulm/Pangaea - Micah+, Lingchih+
But if we have another player, I'll match him with James243 and I think I can get Frank to play.
If you read his speech at Rice, all his arguments for going to the moon work equally well as arguments for blowing up the moon, sending cloned dinosaurs into space, or constructing a towering *****-shaped obelisk on Mars. --Randall Munroe