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Old August 29th, 2008, 07:50 AM
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Default Re: Temples, Afflictions, and more

Originally Posted by Kristoffer O View Post
XP is more like combat xp. You don't get mightier by swatting people. Well, you might, but we didn't think about that when we designed the game

Edit: also, mages have studied until they become old to get their powers. It feels wrong if new initiates and apprentices get powerful in a couple of months.
I concur. Completely understandable and consistent.

But you got me thinking. How about a new heroic ability that is equivilent to #magicboost 50 1.

A heroic commander picking up a magic boost would be quite understandable and acceptable (at least to me). And it wouldn't be an across the board increase that would change the game.

Just my $.05.
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