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Old August 29th, 2008, 01:59 PM

wzrd wzrd is offline
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Default Server packet information still the same?

I'm working with Marcin's Dom3 status tool (listed in the original Mod List thread and here), making my own version, and I noticed a little bit ago, the status for which turns have been played and which haven't (for each faction) no longer works. Some of them do, but most of them always come with a status of Turn Pending, no matter whether that faction has taken a turn or not.

This is true both in Marcin's original tool and my modified version.

So my question is, has the packet information changed with one of the patches? I've got the old layout, but I'm guessing it's changed and I'm still reading it the old way. I've checked the information received from the server it appears that I'm getting back "bad data".

Does anyone have information on this? Any help you offer would be great.

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