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Old August 31st, 2008, 04:14 PM
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GrudgeBringer GrudgeBringer is offline
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Default llamaserver and e-mail problems

I have been trying to join a game and I can't seem to get the server to take my pretender.

This is not my first game and I have tried it 4 different ways and sent it 7 different times.

I also (just to check) E-mailed a revised turn into the server (even tho it has a different address) and it won't take that either.

I have e-mailed myself and 3 friends and they have all received my e-mails.

I have just D/L the 3.20 patch but I was having this problem BEFORE I D/l it.

ANYONE having the same problem or any ideas?

If I don't get this fived I will have to drop out of 5 games....HELPPPP
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