I've been playing SC for many years and I would guess a lot of dominions player would enjoy it, but it's hard to recommend spending money on it, because the game is practically dead. I would still adivise anyone to check it out because it is a really unique game and it can be really intense with two evenly matched opponents.
You can download a demo version where you can play unlimited games with a fixed deck of cards, that should give you an idea of what its about. If you like it, most vets can give anyone a full set of commons(opposed to uncommon or rare cards) to play with (if you need cards you can PM me as well). There used to be a really great, but small community always willing to help out new players. After Sony bought the game they brought out a few expansions in quick succession and then left it to die, which is real shame because this is one of the greatest games of all time. You should check it out while it's still there!