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Old September 5th, 2008, 01:45 AM

Omnirizon Omnirizon is offline
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Default Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started

Originally Posted by konming View Post
Let it be known that any aggressions on nation of Mictlan from now on will be met with full force of Hinnom jump-capable capital fleet and our shock troopers who materialize out of subspace, er, I mean astral ether.
Now is the time for all nations to begin full force attacks on Hinnom. Why they should ally themselves with a nation several provinces removed from their own borders, and why that nation would even ally with them, is dubious. But Hinnom will soon be invading Kailasa's lands, if they aren't bluffing. This means portions of their forces will be committed to a campaign on our nation. This is the world's ONLY chance to topple a threat that should have been invaded by all who were able in the first year. This is the LAST chance for anyone but Hinnom to have a chance at victory.

Don't let this opportunity slip away.
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