Well when I right-click my desktop shortcut and click on "Properties" my run line shows up as this...
"C:\Program Files\dominions3\dom3.exe" -fwacd --clickvol 10 --magicsites 65 --renaming --scoredump --indepstr 7 --hofsize 15 --eventrarity 1
(notice that the command switches are AFTER the second quote mark)
These switches read as...
-f no fade ins and fade outs
-w run in windowed mode
-a no animated backgrounds on menus
-c no end credits screen when I leave
-d turn on low level debug to a log file
-clickvol set the clicky volume lower
then various game settings that I got tired of changing for every game that I started on my machine. It still shows that screen so I can change them if I want for one game. But it sets the defaults more toward things I prefer, such as making the Hall of Heroes default to 15 intead of 10 and turning on renaming.
Here is a complete list of the switches.
Gandalf Parker