Thread: Wishlist Multi-Tier PD.
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Old September 5th, 2008, 12:49 PM

Loren Loren is offline
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Default Re: Multi-Tier PD.

I definitely like it. Some more thoughts:

If there is a temple in the province you should get a priest for every units of PD, assuming there is some sort of priest that you can recruit there.

Likewise, a lab produces mages.

Without the buildings you get neither priests nor mages unless your standard commander (say Himmon) is one.

I'm not too happy with the notion of the elite units at higher PD levels. Instead, how about two PD scales, normal and elite. Obviously, elite PD costs more to buy.

I'm not at all sure there should be any cap on how high PD can go. Super high PD can always be bypassed or taken out with battlefield nukes. (Guy A buys 500 points of PD. B sends in a communion that gets off a few master enslaves. Who got the better deal??)

PD should always consist only of troops that could be recruited there with the exception of LA Ermor's capital, they should get undead. Thus you get only indie PD unless you have a fort there--but on the flip side I think you should be able to get it underwater.

I'm also inclined to think that PD should slowly grow over time, say 1 point per season in any province with 10? 20? or above and a friendly dominion. It would shrink at the same rate in a hostile dominion.
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