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Old September 9th, 2008, 08:51 PM

sum1lost sum1lost is offline
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Default Re: Aquarium - Started - FIGHT!

Originally Posted by JimMorrison View Post
I'm having a hard time seeing where Eriu actually was capable of doing anything dastardly enough to warrant a rollback more than any of the mundane difficulties caused by the stale. Yes, they took a VP from you. I'm pretty sure it should be easy enough to recapture. Seems like someone asking for the rollback because they had barbarians or troglodytes spawn somewhere inconvenient.

Granted, I am sure you want to sew this game up ASAP - it does look like we'll be unable to stop you. But rolling back to avert the loss of that VP will actually only make things take longer, than moving ahead from where we are now.
There are some other things that did not work like they were meant to because of that, but I'd rather not share them. A rollback would actually save time, because this turn is identical to the last one- we have to redo all of the orders.
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