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Old September 10th, 2008, 07:07 AM

LoloMo LoloMo is offline
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Default Re: The Artifacts Game - [ running ]

I played Mictlan and I'm out. I haven't seen my turn yet, but I suspect this would be my last turn. Congrats to Namad for skillfully organizing a war party against me!
I had the Gift of Kurgi, the Banefire Scepter, and that Blood vengeance armor. I put all of them on one King of Rain thug. The scepter usually kills any horror that shows up in one shot. However, in my case, around turn 9, two horrors show up. My thug killed one, and the other promptly ate him.

So, no, the artifacts did not help me at all. I might have been better able to use them if I saved them up for mid or late game. The minor artifacts I haven't found an elegant way to use them yet. The slave collars were just left in the lab, the hearts I traded for some bone armor which didn't help me.

But then this is my first time playing Mictlan. I might do better next time with what I have learned.
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