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Old September 11th, 2008, 07:20 AM

Ossa Ossa is offline
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Default Doomsday - an LA game for fast people

As there are no games recruiting at the moment I'm going to start my first MP game.

The map is for 10 players with fixed start positions. Note that there are only 18 sea provinces for the two sea powers.

Mods: CBM 1.3
Era : Late
Map : Battle Map
Site frequency: 75
Research: difficult
Money, resource and supply all at 150% to account for high magic frequency
HOF: 15
Renaming allowed
Hosting will stay at 24h until at least 4 people want to change it

Map can be downloaded here

1: Ossa - Marignon
2: Majuva68 - Ermor
3: Juffos - Mictlan
4: Quitti - Bogarus
5: Dragar - Pythium
6: Isokron - Abyssia
7: SlMagnvox - Atlantis
8: HadrianII - Ctis
9: Ddavid - Jomon
10: Pelthin - Caelum

You can send in your pretenders, game is up already.
Once we have all pretenders we're ready to go

Last edited by Ossa; September 23rd, 2008 at 03:50 PM..
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