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Old September 11th, 2008, 07:06 PM
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Default Re: Storm. New Game for Newbies:Game is on!

First My GF 'thinks' GMT is 5 or 6 hours ahead of CST (I think I headr London was 5 hours ahead of me in Kansas City).

Second...why not try a blitz if we can't get everyone, if we have 5 folks we can us a map that is good for 5...6 same thing.

We are still early enough in our game that starting a new game would be like 20 minutes and we would be caught up.

I will be playing Rugby in Aspen the 17 thruthe 21 rst BTW amd will probably have to stale since I will be gone 5 days. I certainly don't want to put you guys on jhold for 5 days (sorry I forgot about this Tourny when I started the game). I won't quit just leave me at least 1 Province to whine over when I get back!!
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