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Old September 13th, 2008, 05:35 PM

Omnirizon Omnirizon is offline
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Default Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started

I continue the war against Mictlan because they have never had any intention of fighting you. While asking for peace with Kailasa, they continued wars against Fomoria; so much for being on the defensive. And their 'peace' treaty was a joke. They demanded half of our lands as part of it. They never intended peace with us, if they had then they would have offered us a serious peace treaty. And they never intended to contribute to a global war with you, if they did then they would have ceased all their other wars.

And don't anybody think you have a chance of snatching eight VP's in one turn. Any given nation, except for Hinnom, has perhaps the force to capture one or two VP's right now. The only nation that will be doing any significant VP snatching is Hinnom. If they havn't already won, then the only way to stop them is for everybody to fight against them; you are not going to win by sitting back and hoping you can build up enough force to snatch VP's, Hinnom is already too powerful for that.

So I ask everyone once again. Do you want to continue this farce? Do you want to fight? Or do you just want to call the game? The farce is out of the question, I'm not doing it. If everyone is willing to fight this war against Hinnom, and now Mictlan, than I'm game. And if people just want to give up because they think Hinnom is already guaranteed victory, then they are probably right, and I can go that route; although it might be fun to carry out a global war with them and see what happens.
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