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Old September 14th, 2008, 08:52 AM

Bananadine Bananadine is offline
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Default Re: Sovarinthy - an EA game for somewhat busy people (not recruiting; prepare your go

Thanks for the attempt Hoplosternum. My map isn't that great, so I'll accept this as a training effort (I learned a few more things about how not to make random wrapping maps!) and use one of the maps you suggest. (I'll also send a message to llamabeast so he knows there's some kind of problem, but that need not delay this game.)

Anyway I like the looks of Alexander. Here's the link to that one:
Sorry for the confusion people!

Also, does anybody know what the logic is for whether you can edit a post? I seem to be able to edit some posts and not others, and I don't understand why. But in the meantime: HEY EVERYBODY PLEASE IGNORE THE MAP I UPLOADED AND USE ALEXANDER INSTEAD:
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