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Old September 14th, 2008, 12:23 PM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Re: You can't complain that this game is costly

Yes I can. It's far too costly. I can't get any of my gamer friends to buy it and play MP with me, which is something we do a lot with other games. One of us really loves a game, so the rest of us buy copies so we can play it together online. This happens all the time. Console games, PC games,....

There's just no chance of that happening with Dom3.

Although I'm a huge fan of dom3 I'm not going into some kind of nutty denial about the price. People largely expect prices to drop and plenty of people just don't buy games at full price. It isn't going to happen with Dom3 and as a result these people won't be buying dom3.

Note I'm not trying to say what I think the price /should/ be. That's none of my business. Shrapnel do what works for them and know more about sales figures and costs and all that crap than I do. But arguing dom3 isn't costly is daft. Just compare it with similar games that have actually had their price lowered. Sure you can say 'Ah but dom3 is better'. And I'm sure you think that's true. But objectively speaking, if you want value for money (in terms of say,.. PC games) Dom3 isn't a game I'd suggest buying. I'd avise people to buy various similar, cheaper games. Some of which have even more user made content and more active communities.

But that's just me.
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