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Old September 14th, 2008, 12:43 PM
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Beorne Beorne is offline
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Default Re: You can't complain that this game is costly

To Sombre:
Al the other games I cited cost more than Dom3 if you take them complete (with the expansions) and they drop the price when there is a new version out, or when they can bundle it with the expansion (so the price remains almost the same) so it is a fake price lowering. I have observed that this is true for all the good strategic games (I don't play rt or fps). If I want to play a very good civ game I play freeciv, if I buy it I want the last polished and supported version (and for me the "one to last" version with dropped price has almost no value).
I agree with you that the community is not that big and active considering the potential of the game. The publisher could do something to encourage the community (and the modding and bug tracking), that for now is left to the back of you half dozen willing guys. A configured cms on a good domain name (like the mod site of paradox or the site of seV) could resolve almost all the organizing community issues of Dom.

Last edited by Beorne; September 14th, 2008 at 12:46 PM..
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