Originally Posted by DonCorazon
"He knew men such as these. Their courage held so long as they outnumbered their victims, the hollow glory they thirsted for came with overpowering and terrorizing the helpless. Such creatures were common in the world, and a land locked in war left them to run free, the brutal truths behind every just cause. They were given a name....the vultures of violence."
- Kalam, Deadhouse Gates
Kallor: "I I walked this land when the T'lan Imass were but children. I have commanded armies a hundred thousand strong. I have spread the fire of my wrath across entire continents, and sat alone upon tall thrones. Do you grasp the meaning of this?"
Calladan Brood: "Yes, you never learn"
Amazing! I'm reading Deadhouse gates now. Both quotes caught my attention and got me thinking of dominions. The kallor quote I read while on vacation and it brought back lots of memories from past dominions MP games.
Sometimes when I read the malazan books I get this eerie feeling that the author is/was familiar with dominions. Similarities in concepts are striking.
As for my quote: "Greetings X would you be interested in a NAP+Y?"
This one sentence is a must for every MP player, as well as the following response: "Yes, that sounds reasonable. Agreed!"
Unless in a clear advantage early, wars usually lead to mutual attrition that, in turn, leads to an early exit from game.