When I pre-ordered Doms 3 it didn't cost me any more than the average game from the store (slightly cheaper in fact), but then I get to take advantage of currency fluctuations :P
(Weird thing was it managed to get from the US over here to the UK, pass through customs and reach my door within three days. Comparably, stuff posted from Jersey (the UK one, not the US) has been taking over a week to arrive since they brought in the anti-terror security. Makes me think there's something the government haven't been telling us

Originally Posted by Beorne
To Sombre:
Al the other games I cited cost more than Dom3 if you take them complete (with the expansions)
To look at it another way, when you compare what (purely for example) Warlords added to Civ IV with the content added in the average Dominions update they're pretty much equal in terms of content added. Dominions updates are free though, whereas 2K Games wanted twenty quid for Warlords.
Personally though Dominions 3 has been one of the cheapest games I ever bought in terms of playing time vs. cost.