ah, GT, I remember the old cantina.. what fun and meyhem., ah Saxon, Gryphin, Tesco, Dogscoff,and all the others, the FBWs, Dogscoff's minions, the killer mongooses and old T-Rex, the Loo Worshipers in the Men's room, the red hot poker, and more. Plus those informative Discussions on chilli, Circle the Wagons, The Griffin Position and of course the old Custer hat... If anyone here wants to really see some good old fashion meyhem and interesting discussions, then I would highly recommend going to the archives and looking up the original cantina and all those that followed, (the original was eventually destroyed, as well as the 2nd, 3rd etc, due to the extreme meyhem that was conducted within those sacred walls

. But they were good times.. sigh.. those were the days... Now both you and old Saxon are settled down and raising families, Gryphin hasn't been heard from in a very long time, Tesco and Dogscoff show up once in a great while, as well as many others... Maybe we should have a reunion at the current cantina for everyone?? hmmmmmmm