Turn is about to host with many nations unable to submit their turn.
In case the turn host, I think a rollback is mandatory.
See current status:
Abysia 2h file received
Agartha Waiting for 2h file
Arcoscephale Waiting for 2h file
Atlantis 2h file received
Caelum Waiting for 2h file
Gath 2h file received
Jomon Waiting for 2h file
Marignon Waiting for 2h file
Mictlan Waiting for 2h file
Midgard 2h file received
Patala 2h file received
Pythium 2h file received
Bogarus Waiting for 2h file
T'ien Ch'i Waiting for 2h file
Ulm Waiting for 2h file
Utgard Waiting for 2h file