Originally Posted by Aezeal
I'd make it darker  and the attacksprite spear seems strange on the tip, the other one looks nice, I'd use that head on the attack sprite too.
Eh, I don't want to go overboard with the darkess, black orcs are coming later. As for the spear - I'm afraid I can't just rotate the pixels to form the exact same shape at a different angle, that's the best approximation I could come up with. I'm not 100% happy with it myself, though, so maybe I'll tinker with it some more once I have most of the sprites done.
Originally Posted by Edratman
That was meant as a compliment.
Heh, I figured as much, I guess I should have used a

instead of a :P.
I'm mucking about with the goblin now, but it looks like it's going to end up looking pretty different. We'll see when it's finished.