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Old September 19th, 2008, 10:39 PM
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HoneyBadger HoneyBadger is offline
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Default Re: The unexpected fall of Kailasa

I second the "Never ever ever ever Ever send your Pretender into the Arena" rule of thumb. Prophets are fine. Niefel Jarl Prophets are even finer-especially if you can do it early in the game. But Arena Events, other than to deposit gravely wounded commanders with slave collars and the like, should be ignored by around the 10th turn, if not sooner.

If you get the Arena event in, say, the first 3 turns (No later!), and you *know* you've got the toughest, baddest Pretender SC on the block...*And* you don't care about losing him, eventually, then it still is extremely dangerous and foolhardy, but the magic weapon and then extra experience might *possibly* be worth it, if you *need* to break a nearby neighbor. I still wouldn't recommend it, but it's a big risk that might just pay off.

Still, that's a lot of if's.
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