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Old September 22nd, 2008, 05:45 PM
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Default Re: Crazy&Insane Stories!

I was playing Niefelheim in a SP, and engaged a battle against Tir na n'Og with an army led by a completely equipped and empowered Niefel jarl and a Gygja (with nature 3 and charm scripted several times).

The Tir na n'Og commander (a tuatha sorceress) also used charmed and managed to charm my Niefel Jarl. My Gygja re-charmed the charmed Niefel jarl, then the tuatha sorceress re-re-charmed my charmed Niefel Jarl, and my Gygja managed (though I don't know how !) to re-re-re-charmed the charmed Niefel Jarl !

I don't now if the poor big thing still remembers on whose side he have to fight...
It's better to be GoRed by a nature mage than gored by a boar...
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