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Old September 22nd, 2008, 09:52 PM

WolfHati WolfHati is offline
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Default Re: My copy came in the mail!

Heheh. So for my second game I decided to try fighting late age Ermor--I chose Caelum since having flying units seemed kinda cool, and I started with a dormant angel pretender, the one with the hood and the big flaming sword. Anyway, I proceed to totally fail at conquering the surrounding independents, and once I finally get up the forces to do so, I find that a) I am right next to Ermor, and b) being now on normal difficulty they actually conquer provinces, and have almost surrounded me. Luckily I invested in many priests against such an eventuality. Still, I am getting mobbed by undead and fighting a losing battle, managing to hold on to maybe 3 provinces at a time while being mobbed by undeads, and watching my forces slowly dwindle. I manage to find their capital, which is only 3 squares away from mine, and then next turn, my pretender awakens.

Now my forces are now almost totally in my capital. Luckily they all have tactical speed of 3 and can fly, so not really seeing any other option, I just do an all out attack on their fort.. and it works magnificently! The flying guys manage to take the walls down quickly before my forces can get worn down too much by Ermor trying to retake the province, and I storm the castle. Turns out I caught them with their pants down and only their pretender, a dragon, is home. My guys fly in and take him out more or less instantly. Now, under siege in both provinces, I manage to survive long enough for Ermor's dominion to go away, and poof! I suddenly have gone from 2 embattled provinces to having vast swaths of land free for the taking, 2 forts, and tons of death gem income. Good times, heheh.
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