When I first started playing SP, I was stuck on 3 Luck, and usually took 3 Prod as well.
As was touched on though, there's no necessity if you take Luck3 to take Turmoil at all. If you need the points then go even Order scale, and you'll get a more decent cash flow, and still have plenty of events.
Luck based strategies are fun, but tricky. Sometimes they work brilliantly, other times, not so much. But if you don't actually dip into the Turmoil, then your income should be high enough to do decently with most nations. Just poke around, for example Tir n'An 'Og and Vanheim don't have good infantry for less than 25g apiece, so you need serious tricks up your sleeve to not take Order3. But nations like Abysia and Ulm for example, tend much more towards high resource and low gold cost. That's the kind of nation you want to play with Luck based, most likely, that is if you're not looking to do your typical T3/L3 Pangaea Maenad build.