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Old September 25th, 2008, 03:55 PM

JaghataiKhan JaghataiKhan is offline
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Default Re: Turmoil 3 / Luck 3?

Originally Posted by JimMorrison View Post
Also some nations get extraneous benefit from Death scale. Specifically, those nations with a +/-3 temp preference.

In a recent game as Caelum, I was attacked by Abysia, who of course had 3H, and also 3D. In most of his provinces, I was getting <20 supplies, and as you know, Caelum hasn't got the easiest access to Nature.....

Needless to say, in short order my entire army was diseased, and then dead, and I had to retreat.

The paradox is, if you are using 3D to cripple or scare off attackers - you also need to aggressively expand, AND have powrful enough dominion to push it outwards over all of your territory, including that which you are currently conquering. At the same time, it will bleed over into your neighbors' lands, and really piss them off.
I don't think I like this idea. I prefer orderly expansion with powerful dominion and lots of temples to push infidel faiths. 3 Death nations piss me off to no end, as my army mostly dies from lack of food, but they also fail to expand as my PD keeps their starving swarms from invading.

I have a grievance as well. The AI is too foul, and hoards over 400 units in a desert to swarm me in Mighty mode, ending up in a diseased,starving legion that breaks in and spills in my territories, only to be painfully rounded up and cleaned. I get hurt greatly, but AI fails likewise, and I hate lose-lose scenarios, leaves a very bitter taste in mouth.
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