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Old September 26th, 2008, 01:32 PM
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Default Re: Turmoil 3 / Luck 3?

Originally Posted by Jazzepi View Post
I agree.

Every time I take turmoil 3 / luck 3, it's just complete garbage compared to Order 3 / Misfortune 2.

The nice part about misfortune in this case is that it increases the number of events that occur. This means that you have a greater chance for neutral events and good events as well.
I disagree. I think I've seen four non-spell events on a "stable" turn, i.e. I didn't get any provinces, didn't lose any provinces, didn't do anything funny. This is in the "I think" and "if I recall" category, but I still disagree.

It's silly to favour the scale combination that costs more. Luck 2/Turmoil 1 might be (or might not) be competitive against Order 3/Misf 2. Money is so important I wouldn't take Turmoil 2 without also taking money-making scales besides luck.

And finally, while misfortune increases the number of events compared to neutral luck, it skews them towards bad events more than it increases their amount. I'd guess that in average, you get at most as many good events as neutral luck, probably less - and many more bad events, of course. How is that nice?
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