It's silly to favour the scale combination that costs more. Luck 2/Turmoil 1 might be (or might not) be competitive against Order 3/Misf 2. Money is so important I wouldn't take Turmoil 2 without also taking money-making scales besides luck.
You're missing the point. The decision for me is binary, the reason I'm comparion those two scale choices is because they're the most efficient choices for that slot. Either you take O3/M2 or you take T3/L3. There's absolutely no reason to take something in between, unless you enjoy throwing away points for the anti-synery of Order and Luck, in which case you need to rethink your design because you've reached a point where you're wasting points.
I avoid taking misfortune 3 because it creates the potential for really, really large barbarian events, which you can't easily defend against with PD, and go beyond the normal annoyances, of having to send a middling force to recapture the province.
To explain what I was trying to say about the misfortune actually being a benefit, think about it this way. If misfortune only increased the good/bad of an event, then we wouldn't have this conversation, but since it increases the *amount* of events at the same time, something different is going on.
Because of the fact that /most/ events from misfortune 2, and decent scales, are negligible in effect compared to their luck counterparts (I've yet to run into a -1,000 gold event, and even running O3/M2 in all my games, even with death scales, I've still yet to run into any really bad plague events) you don't really care about the skewing of events towards bad, since you can basically ignore the effect of most bad events.
For example, if you go from 10 events, to 15 events because you have M2 instead of a neutral luck scale, then you have more random events. More chances for you to find arcane labratories, to hang witches from trees and get their gems, etc. etc. While you also increase your chances of getting a bad event out of those 15, most of those events you can simply ignore anyways with a little preparation, so the increase the # of events is actually a benefit.
And let me add one last thing. /Really/ bad events early in your capital, are generally devastating, but they happen so infrequently (mind you out of all of your territories they have to happen in your capital to really ruin you) that you're running a minuscule chance that you might get knocked out of the game. Unlike with Luck, you can easily bow out of the game that your Misfortune has knocked you out of. Whereas with Luck, you need to consistently get good events early. Sure it might pay off over the course of 100 turns. But you don't have 100 turns to sit around and wait for those gold events to build up, and make your income match that of a player who had O3/M2, who unlike you with L3/T3, knows what his income will be, and will have a /huge/ advantage over you patrolling on the first turn, as well.