Originally Posted by Jazzepi
You're missing the point. The decision for me is binary, the reason I'm comparion those two scale choices is because they're the most efficient choices for that slot. Either you take O3/M2 or you take T3/L3. There's absolutely no reason to take something in between, unless you enjoy throwing away points for the anti-synery of Order and Luck, in which case you need to rethink your design because you've reached a point where you're wasting points.
That's a silly supposition. By the time you climb past 20 provinces you are often hitting the cap we're all discussing, even with scales that are not optimal event generators.
Also, Misf2 can be more painful for certain nations with exceptionally poor PD. I've seen 20-23 PD get spanked by barbarians a few times as monkey nations, or Nief for example. So what you are saying then, if the only viable combos are O3/Misf2 or T3/L3, and you find the Misf to be too painful with that nation, then you MUST go T3/L3 with those nations to be efficient and competitive.
Also worthy to note that while Misf is exceptionally painful for some, it's much less painful for those with cheap and accessible fortune tellers. The relative value of scales will be different for all nations, depending on what tools they are given. Therefore, it's a far too sweeping generalization to state that these 2 scales must be maxed, and must be maxed in opposition of eachother.
Just as an example also - the 3000g event is only possible through O3/L3, as well as I believe Oleg's Alchemical Machine, which gives a permanent 100g boost to a province.
So it takes you longer for that combination to spool up to maximum effect, but while it does, you are somewhat insulated from disruptive events, and when you are finally getting 3/turn, you are going to be seeing constant and consistent income boosts. Of course, you may argue that such scales are nearly impossible with an awake SC - to which I can only say, "So?".